Welcome to Sapphic Love!


A friendly server for lesbian (or questioning!) teen girls between the ages of 13 and 17! We are fun and surprisingly wholesome for a server full of horny depressed teens, lol.

If you’re looking for a place to hang out and make new friends with girls your age, then you’ve come to the right place. We can be weird, and we are by no means innocent, but we do what we can to keep everyone in our server safe and happy! :D

What we offer:

  • Friendly staff and members!
  • Image perms on join!
  • Tons of roles to express yourself!
  • Optional kinky roles for more customization!
  • 39 different color options!
  • Bots for games and music!
  • A venting channel!
  • Daily Questions!
  • (Additional private channels available pending secondary video verification)

So go ahead and join if any of this interests you! You can always leave later, so there’s no reason not to.

  • PS: Please don’t join if you are over the age of 17 or under the age of 13, you’ll be kicked if you do.

  • PPS: This server uses a "highest" verification setting, requiring you to have a verified phone registered to your account. This, and our verification system, is for our users' comfort and safety. No, there are no exceptions.

  • Server Invite: https://discord.gg/HrpRW8t8wE

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