けど、ただ単に英語を勉強するのって面白くないよね? モチベーションが保てなくて挫折していく人を何人も見てきました。 私もその1人です。 でも、このサーバーではそんなことがないように、ただ楽しく話したりするのはもちろん、えっちな会話もしていいから、色んな国の話も聞けるから、モチベーションが下がることなんてないはず笑 このサーバーではチャットはもちろん、なるべく会議や個室で話すことをメインしていきたいと思ってます。 英語学習に挫折した方や、そうゆう話してみたかったなどなど、誰でも歓迎なので皆さんぜひきてください。
あと管理は日本人1人、アメリカ人1人でやってます。 簡単な面接もあります。 日本人の方はあまり英語が話せないので、気軽にきてください。
This server was made on October 2022
As the name suggests, this server was created with the intention of enjoying language exchange.
But just studying alone isn't fun right? I've seen many people get frustrated with learning because they can't keep up their motivation. I personally know how that feels. However, on this server, you can not only have fun talking to others, but you can also have naughty conversations ;). You can listen to many interesting stories from various people from various countries that will fuel your drive to continue! On this server, I like to mainly talk in group calls and private rooms as much as possible but everything is a lot of fun. Everyone is welcome! If you're someone who likes studying, wants to talk to exchange language with foreigners, have naughty conversations, fire up your will to learn, or just have fun, then this is the server for you.
Also, the management is done by one Japanese and one American. Don't be afraid of your inability to speak Japanese or English. All skill levels are here so you'll fit right in!
We look forward to seeing you!