What is BlueWillowAI? BlueWillowAI is a new AI generation company focused on providing the best AI generated art to our users.

Are there any rules?

  • Don't be rude to staff or other members of the community.
  • Don't use our tools to make images that could inflame, upset, or cause drama. That includes gore and adult content.
  • Be respectful to the developers, moderators, and guides on the server
  • for more rules see rules

Can I do detailed public reviews of the current beta? Can I post screenshots / videos of the Discord? Yes! But please remind others that this is not a finished product and we are constantly working on expanding our features.

I'm a reporter / blogger and want to write something Please reach out to [email protected]

What's the business model for what we're using here? Currently, we are focused on increasing the accessibility of AI enabled technology

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