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Deposit Wrkz. Tip Wrkz to Discord user. Check your account balance, deposit address. Withdraw Wrkz to your registered wallet address. Get WRKZ block height, network hashrate, current difficulty, circulating supply. Cryptocurrencies tipping such as BTC, DOGE, LTC, XMR, WRKZ, DEGO, UPX, LTHN, WOW, XDAI, TRX, BAN, USDT, BNB, MATIC, USDT and ~ 100 tokens+
Cool cryptocurrency tipping bot with many coins and tokens. There are around 100+ right now. All commands are with / (slash command).
Tip crypto to any of your Discord friend instantly without fee. Including /mathtip /triviatip and many kind of tipping
Check crypto price with /price command
Play text game and earn crypto
Play a basic economy game with /eco command.
Get faucet from various coins
Create crypto voucher and share with friends (only some supported)
Make some fun with animated gif from your profile image with /tb
Other great features. Use /help or join our Discord support guild
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