Welcome to Electua! The cyberpunk-themed 5th Ring of the multi-genre dystopian Dominion City, ruled over by the otherworldly and ever-present Dominion Corporation.

Perpetual smog and rain, trains and sewers, glistening cyberpunk cities, patrolling Brother Units with their bladed spider-like limbs, and the Electua Police Department scouring the District for Protocol Violators.

Jump into our inclusive community and explore Electua District in a way you've never seen a Discord RPG operate before! North Electua - Dirty Mid-City and it's street-racing culture West Electua - Asian-inspired and host to the Neon Tech Markets. East Electua - As dangerous as it gets, watch your ass! South Electua - Towering, cyberpunk Downtown Electua

What is Dominion Universe? Dominion Universe is a multi-platform indie fictional universe that celebrates community interaction. At the center of a deep lore that includes wasteland, cyberpunk, green futurism, cosmic horror, virtual reality, fantasy and more is DOMINION CITY, where players gather to play out an unfolding timeline.

Currently, an official published novel has been released introducing Dominion City (The NightRunner Chronicles: WANDERLUST), as well as other books on Amazon. Check out our IG @TheDominionCorporation. And subscribe on YT for the upcoming podcast!

What is the Dominion City RPG?

Here, we engage in canon-creating, non-technical roleplaying in the form of interaction and storytelling, making memes, and overall just having a good time and making friends. Our community is inclusive, welcoming to everyone, and we don't allow drama or trolls. All lifestyles are empowered here.

Enter and tell us about you! Get to know us and become part of the small but growing Dominion community! We offer character art, animated chibi emotes, and custom channels in exchange for server boosts! See you there!

Welcome, Citizen! β­• LONG LIVE DOMINION CITY

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