Welcome to Rekindled spirit! A RWBY based AU tabletop roleplaying server with a style akin to that of west march (dnd) style gameplay. Many players, fewer DMs. Players will have partial freedom in the school and city with full interaction on hunts, missons, classes. There is much to do at Beacon academy, take part in events, Missons, plotlines, make friends, throw bread at the local duck faunus, join a team, and perhaps solve a underlying mystery.

This server has features that won’t be found on most other RWBY servers of the same type. Including :

  • Custom lore and expansion based around established lore in the show and spin-offs!

  • An extremely simple yet highly intuitive leveling system.

  • Raids to find artifacts of a old world long forgotten.

  • Gain the eye of important figures within the world of remnant.

  • Face grimm that will push your character to the absolute limits of their abilities.

  • And much much more!

So what are you waiting for?! Come join and make your mark upon the history of remnant.

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