你好呀!食飽無啊? Hakka | Chinese Language

  • A community for both Hakka learners and speakers as well as people who are generally interested in Hakka culture and/or language.
  • Contains a multitude of speakers of the different Hakka varieties interacting with one another.
  • Has a warm community so its a pretty nice place to chill ?

As from the name of this server suggests, we are a Hakka language server hahaha We mainly (I guess, and hope) talk about Hakka language and Hakka culture, so hopefully you'll be learning some Hakka phrases. But then again, yall can also just chill here in a Hakka atmosphere

就如這服務器名稱的字面意思,我們是客家語言服務器 哈哈哈 我們主要是(應該吧,反正我是這麽希望的 )談論客家語言和客家文化,所以希望你們在這兒能夠學會一些客家話。 但話又說回來,除了以上所説的,你們也可以在這個非常有客家氣氛的服務器裏貓著

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