✨Welcome To Kitz's Kommunity! ✨

  • Our server is an active 16+ community based around the furry fandom! Here you can expect to meet other furs in a safe and inclusive environment! (Non-Furs are also welcome!) Despite our size you can expect your voice to be heard and respected! We have a diverse channel selection such as art sharing, RP, art commissions, a Fursona Showcase and more! If you'd like to join for our hella swag emotes that's ok too, I wouldn't blame you. :)

  • We have an NSFW section for 18+ members of the community, including 18+ only chats, commissions, and art channels!

  • We do occasional giveaways involving art, nitro and other little perks, so be on the lookout for these too!

  • We are gay af here so no cringe homophobia

(PS. the owner is a pretty pink fox lady)

✨We've got so much to offer (like our cool 1.18-1.19 Minecraft server! ), so maybe come check us out ❤

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