What is this? This is an API which can make your Bot to have Additional Extra Functions which will help your bot to get Better. It gives the Data in JSON Format which can be accessed if your coding package supports fetching json data from an API.

How do i use this? Using the API is simple, you'll firstly need to have an API Key which makes sure that no one spams the API. Join it's Server and run the "?createkey" Command and you'll receive a Key in DMs. That's your Auth Key which should be private and only be accessible by you in all times. In case, this key is known by someone or is leaked in public, you can use the "?revokekey" command to Revoke it and Create a New API Key. Next, after getting you key, visit the Webpage. You'll get a List of Available Endpoints at Bottom of the Webpage. Use the Webpage url as the Base URL and add the endpoint by replacing your Parameters. After you entered all the Parameters, add "&auth=key" at the End. You'll then get the JSON data.

Enjoy the API!

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