Join the Discord-Linux community and experience a new level of hosting.

Our free platform, built on the Discord API and NodeJS, provides an innovative container service right in your chat box. Not only that, but we empower young coders with support and education in Linux usage.

Within the Discord-Linux platform you can generate containers in an automated fashion for your own computing needs!

SSH Details are direct messaged to you and you can submit commands to the command line right in any text channel that has the correct permissions.

The platform supports multiple Operating Systems: Ubuntu, Debian, Alpine, Alma LInux and Arch Linux.

The entire platform is automated and self contained, containers have expire times and if not renewed manually will automatically be cleaned.

We offer several sub services integrated within our hosting control environment. Including File System Navigation, A custom Portainer build to provide web panel access, a proprietary discord notification system, File Uploads right from Discord, Sending files from your container to the discord channel, WildCard Subdomain hosting with WildCard DNS and automatic VHOST generation. As well as a REST API!

We also support DNS Hosting via PowerDNS along with a Discord bot to manage our DNS Service.

We provide 4 public facing ports to listen on as well as OpenVPN Access to the container network for easy access to your non open ports.

A community Git server using Gitea is available as well.

We provide container upgrades via an online store and we support both ARM and x64 Architectures.

Our mission and focus is to assist today's youth in learning what linux is, how to use it and how to begin coding.

We want to help the new technicians and devops engineers of tomorrow thrive today.

Main site: Docs: Status Page: Discord Join Link:

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