DISCORD BOT LIST:registered: Did you know? DBL is a best service for you about add bot, testing, growing, hangout and more to do in server. With the best feature is about we are having a site is https://dcbotlist.tk so would you like to add bot into our website then join us right now! Why not?
:yum: • Best features - We are having site is https://dcbotlist.tk . - In server are having 10+ developers can ask they for helping about coding! - Explore with dev's bot and certified bot! - Share your code, your api, your bot, your server and more to share with strangers and friends. - Accept bot made by BDFD, Javascript, Python and more scripting language you can submit bot!
:person_tipping_hand: • We are hiring!
- Become a site moderator in our server! (1/2 1 slot left)
- Become a advertiser in our server! (0/inf unlimited slots left)
:pencil: • Rights and information
- All rights in our system is to see your personal information like photo, name, email, user id and some other small permissions. To avoid the case that our website does not accept you log in to your account, please give us feedback so that we can handle it for you as quickly as possible and the time for us to respond can be within 24 hours.
:gear: • Terms of use and service https://tos.usogs.net https://bdltos.usogs.net
:busts_in_silhouette: • Our staff
- Our team are having 10+ staff in only 1 server, if any such as bug, error, lower ranked, need help, etc.
:sparkles: • Update! 2/27
- Website was back before 16 hours offline!
- Server got 14 boosted
- API closed :frowning:
:link: • Links and security
- Our links are in no way annoying or deceptive. We have improved the security of your information (including personal information) and the cookies of that link. https://dcbotlist.tk https://discord.gg/FHZd4mvuN9
:copyright: All information and copyright belong to Discord Bot List - All rights reserved.