Welcome to Eldorado Pumps!

We have global changes on our channel! As many requested, we decided to focus all our efforts on the pump. No need to panic and log out of the server. Continue to actively participate in the development of our channel. What is this server for?

  1. We will give you buy signals for crypto's with a small market cap on exchanges like lityswap.com
  2. When everyone buys this crypto at the same time, the price EXPLODES.
  3. Regular investors unaware of this group will take notice, and get in on the train, causing the crypto to go up even more in value.
  4. We can then sell the crypto at a high profit

Do you wanna learn more about Pumping? This video explains how pumps work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HUdmrmmlVY&feature=youtu.be

We recommend checking out the other channels in the sidebar, as we have done our best to explain everything thoroughly.

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