Dungeons and Discord, also known as the City of Splendors, is the most important and influential Dungeons and Dragons server on Discord and perhaps in all of Faerûn! It is a truly marvelous server of great culture that attracts the most talented roleplayers and creatives from across Discord, as well as a roleplaying hub for nerds and geeks along the coast and beyond.

✯ Welcome to Dungeons and Discord, the world's greatest roleplaying server!

• We offer not just one, but three different text-based roleplay worlds, each including a variety of factions and abilities! • We have chat channels for a variety of topics; everything from reality to fantasy! • Hidden within these channels are a set of clues that can lead you to secret areas of the server (don't tell Xanathar I told you about those). • We host a variety of giveaways and fun events all year long! • We offer dailies and other conversations starters to keep you and the community chatting all day! • Our wonderful staff team makes sure that the server is a safe space to be and ensures you never have to worry about trolls or the undead. • We offer a special set of channels where you can find roleplaying games and groups to play D&D with! • And of course, what server would be complete without a space to share! Whether you're a writer, artist, musician, photographer, or anything in between, we have a space for you to share your creativity!

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