Hello! Are you somebody who enjoys writing - from full-on fiction to poetry or even informational text? Are you looking for honest thoughts and opinions on your writing, holding your writing schedule responsible, or branching out your content interests? Well this is the perfect group for you! Welcome to Reading Between the Lines, a writing group for weekly sharing and open conversations about your writing. This group will have three separate sections you can join, making a safe space for all writer's comfort levels! 1.) Networking This section is like the social forum of the group! Here, you can make writer friends, discover rising authors, and give inspiration for new projects without any restrictions. Have a general Pinterest vibe for a story but no plot? Share it here and get ideas. Want to talk about the newest book in a famous trilogy? Let's all rant together. Just want to share your newest Wattpad fanfiction? Well drop the link, I'm interested. 2.) Beta reading - This section of the group will be for those who are looking to support other writers by dedicating time to reading their works and giving them concise and helpful tips specific to their project. 3.) Responsibility Buddies - This section pairs you with either a single partner or a group of people that have similar writing schedules or goals who will gently remind you to meet your quota. If this interests you in any way, feel free to join our Discord Sever!

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