The world of Jujutsu is evolving, and so too are you.

Welcome to Cursed End, an explorative-based Jujutsu Kaisen Roleplay Server facilitated specifically for creative ingenuity and story-crafting. If you wish to explore this world of Curses and Sorcerers, then what're you waiting for?

Situated in 2018 at the beginning of Jujutsu Kaisen's story, the world follows the canon storyline with familiar faces and fresh entries alike. Evils new and old lurk around the corner, though some might not be as hostile as they appear. Find your place as a Sorcerer or Curse and embrace this opportunity to redefine fate.

We possess a comprehensive staff team of excellent writers who are exceedingly competent in their craft. They're also good at actual administration, too. Go figure.

There's probably more, but who actually reads the 'list of stuff we have in the server'? If you want proper info, join the server and ask! We're more than happy to just have a chat.

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