An exclusive community of adult players from around the world who have all come together under the same concept of enjoying Destiny and it's universe in a social and enjoyable manner. We are a respectful group, with laid-back and honest members who all work together to drive and cultivate a healthy culture of helping fellow guardians and new players and achieving end game content as stylish as possible.

Community Discord: Stay in contact with other members of the community, schedule games, or just banter using the Discord messaging app. Our Discord guild is open to any members of the community, not just clan members!

Events / Tournaments / Raffles: From our 1v1, 2v2 elimination tournaments, to private match events for life events, to hide and seek and laser tag social events, we strive to provide a fun and interactive environment for our clan and community members.

Mentoring / End-Game: Our clan is all about helping new players to the universe find their way and making sure we are always hitting our rewards each week. We strive to help our members overcome challenges, conquer pinnacle activities and end-game activities!

From events to tournaments, PVP to Raids, There's Novaking Way has a place for players of all types to find their niche. From a brand New Light character finding their way, to our veterans from Destiny Day One, we will have a spot for you. Join us today and try us out. You are always welcome to leave, but we hope you stay and become family.

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