⁍〉do you like art? ✔︎

⁍〉do you do art?✔︎

⁍〉do you appreciate art? ✔︎

⁍〉do you have the passion?✔︎

⁍〉if so this site will suite you?✔︎

⁍〉this site is for sharing art?✔︎

⁍〉learning art ?✔︎

⁍〉and doing art ?✔︎

⎮we would like to hear from all art enthusiast

⎮so you can share your ideas and art work

⎮the reason why we started this site is because we wanted to learn

⎮and share our ideas so we can experience all types of art from all

⎮different types of people and all types of art all around the globe

⎮we hope to learn and have fun by the art of drawing and to see

⎮people draw and connect in our group

⎮so join the drawing association and have fun

as the saying goes "Every artist was first an amateur”

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