++Meat Empire++

The Meat Empire is a community of meat-eaters looking to understand, debate and reason with vegetarians, vegans and any other people who believe meat-eaters are bad people.

Vegetarians and vegans are of course welcome, or else we wouldn't have much to debate, would we? ;P

++Why does the Meat Empire exist?++

For too long, vegetarians and vegans have gotten away with bold claims such as, "Anyone who eats meat must be a psychopath." These claims are assumptions, not scientific and therefore weaken the power of the word for those actually diagnosed with psychopathic tendencies.

Eating meat, at least to vegetarians and vegans, may be wrong, but so is labelling anyone who disagrees with your viewpoint as a definite evil that must be purged; we do not believe in the "purging" of vegetarians and vegans, after all.

Furthermore, we disagree with many vegan/vegetarian leaders and how they handle situations, such as VeganGains, who persistently displays a lack of respect for anyone debating them (I suppose it's to show them the same respect that "they treat animals with" - clearly not realising that converting people to veganism is a bit harder after telling them who much you'd want to kill them). The Vegan Teacher and others are classic examples of what ethical vegans believe in - that they are superior because they eat shitty, overpriced plants.

++However, if you think you can convert us - join today!++

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