What is Mix.audio?

Mix.audio provides new music experiences to directly connect artists and listeners, and develops next-generation music technologies and businesses to share the profits. Mix.audio is a block music ecosystem where artists and listeners work together to share, communicate and monetize music.

Listening but also rebuilding

Mix.audio is based on 'Block music' rather than the usual form of music. Block music is a creative listening experience in which music blocks are assembled and enjoyed in real-time, just like Lego blocks. It's easy and customizable to assemble music from your favorite artists to create your new music.

Rebuilding but also participating

Mix.audio provides a community (DAO) for artists and true small fan holders. Community members can participate in various project events using the artist's block music. A certain percentage of NFT minting and transaction costs are credited to the Community Treasury.

Participating but also earning

The Block Music Pack NFT purchased by the listener is connected to the music streaming platform business (Block music projects) optimized for the metaverse. Join us on an adventure to refine and make the Block Music ecosystem! The contributions of artists and holders are rewarded with revenue sharing.

So join “Mix.audio”!

After all, music is a combination of musical blocks with different sounds and patterns. Block music is living, customizable and intuitive. Mix.audio is the starting point of the block music ecosystem. Block music can be applied and extended to various media in the metaverse.

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Official Links: Website: https://project.mix.audio/ Discord: https://discord.gg/mixaudio Twitter: https://twitter.com/mixaudio_

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