Welcome to The osu! Supporter's Zone, a place for osu! players, mappers, mentors, and mentees to come together and simply do anything osu! related.
(The osu! Supporter's Zone is a server started by two previous osu! mappers who have since left the server, leaving me, Confode (chidodou) to be the owner.) OSZ is an osu! based community mostly applying to the demographic players, mappers, mentors, mentees, and nominators. In this server, there are many channels to talk in, many roles to choose from, and many, many interesting conversations to be had! Here are many of the choices we have to offer in this server, and why this may absolutely be your go to server for osu!:
? An active owner!
? Many roles to take on!
??? An active community!
? Nominators!
? Private help forum!
? An active staff that always strives to be the best and works on improving!
✅ Active moderation!
? Open higher-up slots!
? A growing community!
? Numerous channels!
?️ The best mappers!
We hope in this server you will find what you are looking for. The osu! Supporter's Zone has many entities to offer, and interactions are to be had, arguments argued, and your daily dose of simple internet. At OSZ, you can be yourself, talk to other people in voice chats, be goofy, and simply have a good time with the community around you. There is even some lore behind this gem of a server ?. We invite everyone, involved with the osu! community or not, to come check us out. Even if you think you will not find this interesting, you may be proven wrong! Everyone is welcome into the server, not matter who, or what you are! You can always report any problems to staff and higher-ups, and we will take care of the situation swiftly and as quickly as possible.
Remember that TOS and Privacy Policy still apply.
We hope to give you the best experience an osu! server can possibly can! ?