"Humanity, The Multiverse, Life as a whole, was about to lose"

Luckily that whole event is long over, or sadly for those who wanted to take part of that catastrophe, that event, we'll call it: The Lighthouse war, 'The Lighthouse' being the codename for an artifact of extreme power that was fought over, however now that artifact no longer functions, We had won the lighthouse war, but I doubt that won't stop those from exploring the world it left behind, and it's secrets, perhaps the immense power it holds, burred long underground

ONYX A strange planet, with vast almost impossible landscapes, It's reality is a little fractured, allowing for all sorts of creatures from other worlds to appear here.

[About the Server itself] I haven't much to say about it, This is a very freeform Semi-literate Roleplay server, with relaxed rules and writing freedom. . . and LORE!! The combat is description based, I understand this will cause some, disagreements, But I personally find it more enjoyable, so do try and put substance into your responses, The character sheet is optional, so you have the ability to just start writing Now of course there are *Still rules, to make sure it's fun for everybody else This server however is BRAND NEW, so please be patient with activity!

[If the Invite link is broken or expired, contact viv_rusty on discord]

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