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? ⋮ STOP playing alone START playing together! ❱❱❱❱ We will give you the space to find new friends and skilled players to play CS:GO or other games together!
◈ NEWS!! ? ⋮ Currently we have our main focus on the CS:GO LFG, but also able to assist you in all other games!
- ✅ ❱ Our own Discord Bot will provide you with the newest and coolest features to give you an insane Discord Experience!
- ✅ ❱ An successful eSports team that you can cheer for, and follow in the competitive arena!
- ✅ ❱ A CS:GO academy that introduces you to the game and makes you better at it!
- ✅ ❱ A wonderful Discord Moderation to support and assist you in any way!
- ✅ ❱ Hop into a channel and get players to play with or just chat together!
- ✅ ❱ Making Giveaways and offering you events and more!
- ✅ ❱ No country or rank restriction everybody is welcome!
- ✅ ❱ A lot of own Game-Servers in beside of CS:GO!
- ✅ ❱ No toxicity!
⌛ ❱ Why are you still waiting?.. We are ready for you! And maybe your friends? ❰❰❰❰