Our first 12 rules (there are more, read them in the server)

  1. Do not organize, participate in, or encourage harassment of others. Disagreements happen and are normal, but continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments may cross the line into harassment and are not okay.

  1. Do not organize or promote servers around hate speech. It’s unacceptable to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities.

  1. Do not make threats of violence or threaten to harm others. This includes indirect threats, as well as sharing or threatening to share someone’s private personal information (also known as doxxing).

  1. Do not evade user blocks or server bans. Do not send unwanted, repeated friend requests or messages, especially after they’ve made it clear they don’t want to talk to you anymore. Do not try to hide your identity in an attempt to contact someone who has blocked you, or otherwise circumvent the tools we have which enable users to protect themselves.

  1. Do not send others viruses or malware, attempt to phish others, or hack or DDoS them.

  1. NSFW (Not safe for work) content is not allowed Sharing any NSFW content in any non nsfw channels will result in a ban.

6.5 You may not share sexually explicit content of other people without their consent, or share or promote sharing of non-consensual intimate imagery (also known as revenge porn) in an attempt to shame or degrade someone.

  1. You may not share images of sadistic gore or animal cruelty.

  1. You may not share content that glorifies or promotes suicide or self-harm, including any encouragement to others to cut themselves, or embrace eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

  1. You should not promote, encourage or engage in any illegal behaviour. This is very likely to get you kicked off Discord, and may get you reported to law enforcement.

  1. Do not spam.

  1. Swearing is allowed but no shit talking anyone

  1. keep it english

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